GLA has made a real impact on the lives of real students in our local communities.

Meet Narcisa Tufekcic
Narcisa came to the United States 13 years ago from Bosnia and Herzegovina. At that time, she did not speak English. She graduated from high school in her country but found that a GED would make her entrance into college in the US much easier, so she decided to pursue it.

Meet Connor Sherron
“Don't give up, just do it,” he says, “you will never regret getting your GED!”
Conner moved with his family to Mauldin in his senior year of high school. Soon thereafter, he got a job in a sandwich shop, found the lure of a paycheck irresistible, and dropped out of school. It wasn’t long before he realized that his salary wasn’t enough for him to live on and that dropping out had not been the best thing to do.

Meet Ana Sanchez Jimenez
Ana came to the United States 4 years ago from The Dominican Republic. Ana was a good student in her own country and even graduated from High School, but when she came here, she struggled to find employment because she was unable to speak English. Her first job was working the window at McDonalds where she practiced her English by taking customer orders.

Meet Kathryn Harper
Kathryn’s high school experience was short-lived. She fell behind early in the 9th grade and was never able to catch up, so she soon dropped out. She regretted not finishing high school, especially once she had a child and realized the importance of being a good role model.

Meet Alisha Cox
Alisha dropped out of High School in the 9th grade, but it was always her goal to get her GED. The responsibility of studying while working and raising a child proved difficult. But Alisha attended a variety of adult education classes and eventually reached the point of passing every test except Math, her most challenging subject.

Meet Jackie Thurmond
Jackie’s high school experience was very traumatic. When she was only 14 her mother was a gunshot victim. Although her mother survived, her recovery took a very long time.
During this time, Jackie became pregnant and, although she returned to school after the baby was born, she was diagnosed with both MS and congestive heart failure. All of this resulted in her dropping out in the 10th grade.

Meet Narcise Tshipadi
"Let no one put a period in life when God's still working out the best for you."
Narcise Matumona Tshipadi was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and was raised by his widowed grandmother until age 14 when he moved to Uganda to learn English. It was in Uganda that he met his foster family and the man who would change his life forever. Narcise’s foster father taught him how to navigate the world around him and supported Narcise's drive to get an education. He enrolled Narcise in school, but after years of very little formal education, Narcise began third grade at age 15.

Meet Wayne Brown
"They treat me right here. I love this place."
Wayne Brown has a life story marked by the challenges of growing up in a racially segregated society. Born in Mississippi during a time when segregation was deeply ingrained in the educational system, Wayne's early years were shaped by the harsh realities of discrimination.
He shouts his love of GLA from the rooftops. GLA has given him the opportunity to learn in a respectful, patient, environment where he belongs.

Meet Michael Henson
Although Michael had a good high school experience, he decided that it was more important to get a job, so he dropped out before he could graduate.
Michael decided to get his GED® to unlock new job opportunities. It was while he was doing research on available GED® programs that he found he was eligible for GLA Bootcamp and Goodwill sponsorship. He enrolled in Bootcamp and, even though finding time for class was challenging, Michael was a model student attending regularly and completing his assigned homework.

Meet Madina Habibi
"In my country, women are expected to cook and clean. Education is not important for women there. I wanted to make a difference."
Madina Habibi's story is a testament to the transformative power of education. Arriving in the United States from Afghanistan with her family, Madina faced numerous challenges, but her determination to succeed led her to a path of remarkable accomplishments.

Meet Edgar
After trying three different GED® programs, Edgar found the right fit at GLA!
Fast forward several years and Edgar was a husband and father of two when he began to realize the value of education. As he investigated the possibility of getting his GED®, he tried three different GED® programs, but it was only when he found the GLA Bootcamp program that things finally clicked.

Meet Jennifer Lyles
"I really want to get my GED, so I come to GLA and work hard to make that happen!"
Jennifer always dreamed of earning her GED, but life had a way of putting that goal on hold. Over the years, she built a life full of responsibilities and commitment, yet something was always missing, she longed for the education she never completed.

Meet Katisha Green
When asked what first motivated her to get her GED®, Katisha replied, “I always felt a huge void and a sense of insecurity in my life because of my lack of education.”
Katisha heard about GLA through a GED® counselor in 2019 but had a challenging time staying consistent with her GED® classes. “Only my family knows that I have been trying to get my GED® for years, longer than 2019, but I had a lot of setbacks in life.”

Meet Isabel
Isabel enrolled at Greenville Literacy Association to learn English.
When she began at GLA, her English was extremely limited, but she quickly gained ground and began moving up in her curriculum. Within months, she managed to bring herself to a workable level of English. Not long after that, she made the decision to enter GLA’s GED® program. “I took advantage of everything that GLA offered me,” says Isabel, “though it wasn’t easy – I put in a lot of hard work and studied, and became one of the most dedicated students in the program.”

Meet Marley Highlander
Meet our GED® Graduate, Marley Highlander
Covid hit during Marley’s Freshman year of high school. Like many other students, she was suddenly forced to learn online from home. Also like many students, she became overwhelmed and had a tough time coping with the challenges that online learning presented. Marley decided to drop out of high school and pursue a GED® instead.

Meet Ernest Cuevas
Ernie was a good student but left high school in the 11th grade to get married, find a job, and start a family.
Ernie looked at several GED® programs that would suit his needs before discovering the GLA Bootcamp program. His advice to new students is for them to get their education sooner rather than later. He knows that there are always reasons not to do something but wishes he had done this years ago because he would be much further ahead now in his career.

Meet Allison Gosnell
Allison got in with a bad crowd in high school. The constant fighting and overall chaos caused her to drop out before getting her diploma.
It was only later when she became pregnant that she started thinking about the importance of her education – she wanted a better life for her son. Her brother had been to Goodwill and learned that Goodwill sponsored the GED® Bootcamp program at GLA.

Meet Rafael
Would you believe that your gift has the power to lift a person out of adversity? It absolutely does. To illustrate, I’d like to share Rafael’s story:
In the midst of a steady career as a truck driver, Rafael’s life was changed forever when a severe spine injury left him jobless. Without a high school diploma, he knew there was little gainful work to be found. That’s when he contacted Greenville Literacy Association. Working closely with our program managers while in recovery from his injuries, Rafael worked diligently toward his goal.

Meet Jonathan Vick
For Jonathon Vick, dropping out of high school in the 9th grade was not so much a personal choice, as it was a situation that was forced upon him.
When Jonathon expressed an interest in getting his GED®, a coworker told him about GLA. Jonathon was very worried that he would fail since it was not the first time he had attempted to get his GED®. Setting his fears aside, Jonathon enrolled in Bootcamp, and, to his relief, he discovered a caring, supportive instructor who taught him what he needed to know. This time around he was successful!

Meet Jackie Cordova
Jackie did not have a particularly good high school experience.
She was not academically motivated, lacked support at home, and was badly influenced by her friends. Jackie dropped out of high school in the 12th grade knowing she would eventually have to get her GED® to feel better about herself and get a higher-paying job.

Meet Theodore Chuks
Theodore came to America from Nigeria, where he attended college and studied engineering.
Coming to America meant a new beginning and Theodore knew how to speak English; therefore, he didn’t waste any time enrolling in GLA to pursue his GED®. After easily passing Science, Social Studies, and Math, Theodore faced his biggest challenge: passing the Test’s Reading and Language Arts portion. Just as he began preparing for the RLA exam, his father passed away, requiring him to return to Nigeria to arrange the burial.

Meet Ime Abimbola
Meet our recent GED® Graduate, Ime Abimbola.
Ime came into the US from Nigeria in 2018. She was depressed due to a domestic violence situation that she endured for 11 years in her native country. Upon her arrival, she was granted asylum by the US Government.